
To Fuel
& Propel
Green Mobility

_technology. _solutions. _products. _research.

We believe that Innovation is the fuel that drives access to Mobility For All.

Through our INNOVATE division, Jagdish Khattar Foundation is committed to supporting organisations, institutions and individuals working towards designing innovative Green Mobility solutions to serve the needs of the Indian populace at scale.

We focus on the following areas as part of our initiatives:


Equitable Access

Facilitating Access To Mobility To All, At Scale.


Energy Consumption

Increasing Efficiency, Reducing Consumption.


Environmental Protection

Reducing Pollution and Greenhouse Emission, Alternative Energy


Infrastructure Management

Data Analysis Solutions, AI/ML/CV Tools


Circular Mobility

Upcycling & Repair, Product Life Extension

The Thesis

We believe that Innovation is a collaborative effort. Each stakeholder brings unique expertise, perspective and resources to shape the future of mobility. Working together, we can ensure Mobility For All, thereby achieving the shared vision of ending poverty and building shared prosperity.

To achieve this goal, we partner with institutions, organisations and individuals working on developing innovative mobility solutions and intend to set-up research grants and funding channels to support innovation.

Our INNOVATE efforts include identifying innovators by inviting them to our Green Mobility conferences, symposiums and conclaves. We also plan to launch regular Mobility Innovation Challenges to discover the brightest young minds building innovative mobility solutions and connect them to value-chain stakeholders through a dedicated innovation platform.

Innovation thrives on recognition. As part of our INNOVATE initiatives, we reward both Foundation supported and independent individuals and initiatives for their excellence in building innovative mobility solutions.

Our Partners:

Let’s Work Together

If you are a Mobility Evangelist leading an organisation, a state/administrative agency, a startup, a venture capital firm or a community who shares our belief in Mobility For All, we invite you to partner with us.