
To Foster
Green Mobility
Approach Across

_civic agencies. _enterprises. _communities. _all stakeholders.

State agencies and public policymaking bodies play the most critical role in making Green Mobility solutions accessible to all.

As part of our INFLUENCE initiatives, we support policy making bodies across civic and administrative levels, and governmental departments in formulating policy framework and finding external execution partners to foster Green Mobility.

India is signatory to several international sustainable development agreements such as the Paris Agreement (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) as well as the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the SDGs). As the country adapts to new realities, making the right policy and infrastructure choices in transport and mobility has become more challenging.

Our INFLUENCE initiatives are designed to support government agencies in formulating policies to achieve long-term goals prescribed by the agreements. Our focus areas are:



Provide insights and guidelines.



Bring stakeholders together.



Facilitate implementation of policies.

The Thesis

There are different government institutions that address mobility challenges in India. As a result, coordination across all agencies, and between agencies and other stakeholders to ensure rapid economic growth that is in line with the aspirations of the people and at the same time, is environmentally sustainable, is critical.

Our INFLUENCE initiatives are aimed at facilitating the formulation and implementation of policies to meet the objective of Green Mobility For All.

As part of these initiatives, we provide Advisory Services to policy makers across government agencies and industry associations.

Our ecosystem approach is designed to bring together all stakeholders to set up policy frameworks and execute programs in an inclusive, collaborative way.

We campaign for mobility focussed changes in system and policies to ensure benefits reach people at grassroots’ level.

We support stakeholders in executing the formulated policies by facilitating pilot programs for policy initiatives and sharing the learnings from our programs.

Our Partners:

Let’s Work Together

If you are a Mobility Evangelist leading an organisation, a state/administrative agency, a startup, a venture capital firm or a community who shares our belief in Mobility For All, we invite you to partner with us.